100: Episode #100 - A Centennial Celebration!

Episode #100 - A Centennial Celebration!

This week's episode is a trip down memory lane, with a look at how this podcast started, how it got to episode #100, and where we're going from here. As my present to you, here's a teachable moment from the 100-episode Exclusive Career Coach podcast host:

Love the work you do. No, you won’t love every day or every task. But, on balance, you should love your job. Being miserable at work doesn’t just affect the results you get at work. It affects your relationships. It affects your sleep. In other words, it affects everything. Here’s the best news: You get to decide whether to love your job or not. It’s totally up to you. The only thing responsible for being miserable at work is your own brain. Not your boss. Not your coworkers. Not your paycheck. Not your company. Not your commute. Your brain. Sure, you can get up in the morning and dread going to work. You can think “I hate my job.” But, does that thought serve you? What if you decided today you were going to love your job? You were going to be grateful for the paycheck, the benefits, the people you get to help? Doesn’t mean you have to stay there. It simply means you’ll have a better experience while you’re still there.

Are you in the wrong job that chips away at you every day? The CareerSpring document and coaching program will help you find a job that uses your zone of genius, recognizes your value, and pays you what you’re worth.

If you’re ready to take your job search to the next level by working with a highly experienced professional with a track record of client success, schedule a complimentary consult to learn more:


217: How to Position Yourself as a Star Performer


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