193: Why You Don't Need to Look for a New Job the Moment You Feel Underchallenged and Overlooked (with Dr. Nicole Tschierske)

Why You Don't Need to Look for a New Job the Moment You Feel Underchallenged and Overlooked (with Dr. Nicole Tschierske)

My guest this week is Dr. Nicole Tschierske, and we are talking about how to infuse your current position with passion, excitement, and creativity - no matter what is happening in your company, with your boss, or in your personal life. 

We talk about the “grass is greener” concept that is so prevalent as we come out of the pandemic, how to decide if “hanging in there” a bit longer is the right move for you, and specific action steps you can take to stay motivated, productive, and challenged in your current role.

Even if you choose to start looking elsewhere, this episode will help you create the best possible environment in your current job until the day you leave. 

Nicole Tschierske is passionate about helping overlooked women in STEM become influential so they can confidently unlock new opportunities for themselves, get their employers saying “we need you on this job!” and make a bigger impact. As a scientist and positive psychology coach, Nicole helps her clients strategically turn their career frustrations into a renewed love for their work.

Dr. Tschierske is offering a free masterclass starting September 20th; learn more at https://womeninstem-reimagined.com/

You can reach Dr. Tschierske at nicole@intoactioncoaching.de

Or visit her website at https://intoactioncoaching.de

Or connect with her on LinkedIn at https://linkedin.com/in/drnicoletschierske

Are you in the wrong job that chips away at you every day? The CareerSpring document and coaching program will help you find a job that uses your zone of genius, recognizes your value, and pays you what you’re worth.

If you’re ready to take your job search to the next level by working with a highly experienced professional with a track record of client success, schedule a complimentary consult to learn more:


192: What's REALLY Going On With the Job Market


194: Startups Are a Different Breed. What to Expect if You Work at One (with Dave Fano)