059: Purpose Questions to Ask Yourself

Purpose Questions to Ask Yourself

Here are some great purpose questions to ask yourself:

1. When I was young, I wanted to be a _______________________________. Why did this appeal to me then? Does it appeal to me today? Why or why not?

2. I am uniquely designed and prepared to:

3. I’ve won the lottery. I’ve bought everything I wanted, traveled wherever I wanted, and now I’m bored (but still quite rich). What do I want to do with my talents?

4. I’m standing at a crossroads and looking at a signpost – what words are on them?

5. What have people said about me my whole life?

6. “Just go for it.” The “it” is:

7. If I could test drive any profession, what would it be and why?

8. If I was not worried about the consequences, what chaos would I introduce into my life right now?

9. Write down a recurring symptom in my body: ________________________ Give the symptom a voice:

10. What am I passionate about?

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222: How to Deal with Unsupportive Family & Friends During Your Job Search (with Jane Springer)


060: Starting Your Career – Proper Perspective is Everything