Looking for a new job or want to move up in your company? Lesa teaches you the tools and strategies you need to land your dream job, increase your promotability, and successfully navigate your career.
012: Planning for a Successful 2018
Your career is not something that happens to you. It should be something you carefully manage. Today, I want to give some high-level concepts about managing your career.
059: Purpose Questions to Ask Yourself
Today, I want to share some purpose questions to keep in the back of your mind. These questions can serve as a way to reflect on yourself, and they can help stimulate new thoughts about potential plans or ideas.
105: Annual List of Five Unusual Things to Be Thankful For
Back in 2016, I started what has become an annual Thanksgiving tradition…my list of Five Unusual Things to Be Thankful for. In creating this year’s list, I decided to revisit the three previous years’ lists and share my experiences in this podcast episode.
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