012: Planning for a Successful 2018

Planning for a Successful 2018

Your career is not something that happens to you. It should be something you carefully manage. Today, I want to give some high-level concepts about managing your career.

Here are my top six tips, which come directly from my coach, Brooke Castillo:

1. Set an impossible professional goal for 2018 – one that makes your brain go “yikes!”

If your brain doesn’t completely freak out at this goal, it’s not impossible. It has to be measurable – you have to know, clearly, whether or not you achieve this goal. You also want to set a date and time to achieve this goal.

2. Here’s the reason for an impossible goal: when your primitive brain freaks out at this goal (because it is convinced it will kill us), you can AGREE WITH YOUR BRAIN. Yep brain, I know it’s impossible! You’re right! Puts you and your brain on the same side.

3. Use two full sheets of paper to write down all the thoughts that come up about that impossible goal.

Write, write, write. How am I going to do it? Where will I find the time? I don’t know how! Get it out.

4. For each of those thoughts, write out a strategy to solve.

If, for example, your thought is “I don’t have any management experience,” then how can you get management experience in the next year? Come up with a plan – this will take you from a feeling of overwhelm and confusion to a plan to move forward.

5. Plan 25 epic failures each quarter for your goal.

These should be worthy attempts that are probably going to fail…as opposed to failures that happen because you didn’t make the attempt. It’s what you make that failure mean that makes all the difference. If you make the failure mean “this is the currency by which I eventually succeed,” you’ll have very different results than if you make that failure mean something negative about you.

6. Finally, calendar everything.

No to-do lists here! Schedule time for everything, and honor those commitments to yourself.

Are you in the wrong job that chips away at you every day? The CareerSpring document and coaching program will help you find a job that uses your zone of genius, recognizes your value, and pays you what you’re worth.

If you’re ready to take your job search to the next level by working with a highly experienced professional with a track record of client success, schedule a complimentary consult to learn more:


011: How to Be ARFO


013: Navigating Experts