209: Developing Your Elevator Pitch

Developing Your Elevator Pitch

Starting on January 25th, I am offering a group coaching program called Land Your Dream Job.

This is an 8-week small group coaching program for a maximum of 15 participants – focused on planning and executing a targeted, proactive job search that will support you in landing your dream job.

Land Your Dream Job will help you:

  • Identify exactly what you are looking for in your dream job and ideal employer

  • Develop a comprehensive job search strategy, customized to you

  • Learn how to network in a targeted, proactive way (I call it Bow-and-Arrow networking)

  • Overcome mental blocks that are holding you back from realizing your career goals

  • Get the support and expertise you need to help you through the inevitable lows of a job search – and celebrate your highs!

What do you get with the Land Your Dream Job group coaching program?

  • Eight weekly, 1-hour Zoom sessions – they will be recorded if you can’t be there live

  • A maximum of 15 participants – you’ll get the attention you need

  • A designated accountability partner

  • Facebook group for questions, encouragement, and sharing job leads

  • A member vault with session recordings, handouts, and supplemental materials

To register:


For a 15-minute call to ask questions:


Happy New Year! Let’s talk about how to develop the perfect elevator pitch.

For those of you who aren’t familiar with the concept, an elevator pitch is your 30-second commercial. The idea is that you could say it going from one floor to the next on an elevator.

Your elevator pitch can be used as you introduce yourself at networking events, when you meet people by happenstance, and of course when you are on the elevator.

Here’s the formula:

I help_____ (this is who you serve)

Do/know/understand_____ (this is how you serve them)

So they can_____. (this is the result the people you serve can expect)

This is my elevator pitch:

I help high-achieving, college-educated professionals plan and execute a targeted, proactive job search so they can land their dream job.

Here’s an example for a mid-level learning & development professional:

I help employees develop the soft skills they need to get promoted and have greater career satisfaction.

Here’s an example for an IT professional:

I help companies become more efficient so they can increase profitability and streamline processes.

Here’s one for a senior HR professional:

I help companies attract, train, and retain top-notch employees so they can reduce turnover.

The bottom line is that you are, at best, piquing the other person’s interest so they will want to know more about you. At worst, you aren’t boring them with more information than they need or want.

Your assignment is to take this formula and come up with five variations of your elevator pitch. Practice them, out loud, in front of a mirror. You may even want to practice with a friend or colleague.

Then select the one that feels the best to you – that you will feel most comfortable saying to a stranger.

Here’s the formula again:

I help_____ (this is who you serve)

Do/know/understand_____ (this is how you serve them)

So they can_____. (this is the result the people you serve can expect)

Are you in the wrong job that chips away at you every day? The CareerSpring document and coaching program will help you find a job that uses your zone of genius, recognizes your value, and pays you what you’re worth.

If you’re ready to take your job search to the next level by working with a highly experienced professional with a track record of client success, schedule a complimentary consult to learn more:


210: How to Conduct a Job Search When You Have a Full-Time Job


208: Use Your V.O.I.C.E. to Become a Fearless Speaker (with Carissa Karner)