286: Should You Use AI to Create Your Resume?

Should You Use AI to Create Your Resume?

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There’s so much in the news about Artificial Intelligence (AI) replacing jobs. In the resume writing world, there is a widespread belief that is, unfortunately, being spread by some people who have created AI-based resume writing platforms they want you to purchase.

Yes, there are new tools now available that may be helpful to those currently job searching (and I'm using AI in some ways too!). However...it's important to know the limitations, so you can harness AI's power AND know when human expertise is irreplaceable. So, we’re talking about using AI today.

I first want to start with how I have incorporated AI into my resume writing practice. Here are a few of the ways: 

Job Descriptions and Keywords

I am currently working with a client who has a background as a dental assistant. I used ChatGPT to come up with a job description for a dental assistant so I could incorporate the keywords into her resume.

Note that I didn’t cut-and-paste any part of the response from ChatGPT — I merely used it as a reference for the skills a dental assistant should be able to demonstrate.

If I have a client who is using the resume to apply for a specific position, I can feed both the job description and the resume into ChatGPT to see how they compare and tell me where the gaps are. Then I can work in those keywords.

If a client wants to pivot careers, I can ask ChatGPT for a job description for the job the client wants to move into so I can position that client with the necessary transferable skills.



If you want to use ChatGPT or one of the other AI tools to write your resume, remember that AI is a TOOL. 

If you use AI to write your resume, you will end up with a generic, non-differentiating document.

What makes you, you — your differentiators — has to come from you. AI can’t possibly know your achievements or your personal brand. AI can’t possibly know your “secret sauce” — the way you do what you do that is different and better than others in your field. AI can’t possibly know about the feedback you have consistently received from colleagues, supervisors, or customers.

Let AI help you craft your job descriptions, but not do it for you.

If you want AI to help with your achievement bullets, write out CAR (Challenge – Action – Results) stories, then ask ChatGPT to write into bullets. Make sure it sounds like you and that each bullet begins with an action verb. Remove personal pronouns and unnecessary articles such as “the.”

Do the work on your branding — I recommend using my Branded Resume course, which you can access here: https://exclusivecareercoaching.com/free-resources

Then ask ChatGPT to write out 3-4 sentences that encapsulate the information you’ve written down about your personal brand. 


Here’s one of the litmus tests I use with clients: How high is the bar for the job you want?

If it is pretty high, you might consider working with a professional like me. I think one of the primary benefits of working with me is my ability to pull out from you your high-impact achievements and your differentiators — coupled with my ability to package that information in a way that is compelling and drives the reader to reach out to you for an interview.

There’s something to be said for recognizing your Zones of Genius — and getting help in areas that don’t play to your strengths. How much is your time worth — and how important is it to get it right? 

If you would like to schedule a consult to talk about how I can write your resume, cover letter, and LinkedIn profile for you, click here: https://calendly.com/lesaedwards/zoom-meetings2


287: How to Tailor Your Resume and Other Materials for a Specific Position


285: Want to Work from Home? Resources and Strategies