Looking for a new job or want to move up in your company? Lesa teaches you the tools and strategies you need to land your dream job, increase your promotability, and successfully navigate your career.
350: What You Need to Know About the Job Market and Job Searching in 2025
Today, I’m talking about the job market and the job search for 2025 - a forecast of what to expect and how to manage your job search in the face of all these challenges.
329: Five Ways to Use AI in Your Job Search
There is a lot of information out there about the benefits of AI in your job search - and not all of i is actually beneficial for you s a jobseeker. In this episode, I dive into fiv ways to use AI in your job search, as well as a few ways I don’t recommend using AI.
303: Frustrations Facing Job Candidates - How to Overcome
Today, we’re talking about the obstacles you may face if you are planning to job search this year. I’ve teased out six things you’ll want to take into consideration as you look for your next great role.
302: Job Market Prognosis for 2024
There is a lot of confusion about the current job market – perhaps the most I’ve ever heard of outside of the 2008 recession. I wanted to bring you some facts today – as well as a translation of those facts into action steps you can take to increase your chances of success.
Here are five economic trends that will shape the job market for 2024:
286: Should You Use AI to Create Your Resume?
There’s so much in the news about Artificial Intelligence (AI) replacing jobs. In the resume writing world, there is a widespread belief that is, unfortunately, being spread by some people who have created AI-based resume writing platforms they want you to purchase. I first want to start with how I have incorporated AI into my resume writing practice, then we will delve into ways you can DIY and outline when you should turn to a professional to write your resume.
281: How Employers Are Using AI in Job Interviews and How to Prepare for an AI Interview
Today, we’re talking about how employers are using Artificial Intelligence (AI) in job interviews — and what that means for you as a job seeker. AI is being used in the interview process via Natural Language Processing (NLP), chatbots, sentiment analysis, facial expression recognition and visual perception, speech recognition, tone analysis, and decision-making. We’ll talk through some definitions, some categories of tools that companies use, and how to prepare for an AI interview.
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