Looking for a new job or want to move up in your company? Lesa teaches you the tools and strategies you need to land your dream job, increase your promotability, and successfully navigate your career.
343: How to Earn Bonus Points on Your Behavioral Interview Answers
The framework I teach my clients for answering behavioral interview questions is CAR(L)
C - Challenge
A - Action
R - Result
(L) - Lessons Learned
The “L” can take two forms, which I describe in the episode and give examples of both. When used correctly, this extra step is incredibly powerful in driving home exactly what you want the interviewer to learn about you from your answer.
333: Questions to Ask When You Are an Internal Job Candidate
I give five important strategies for preparing your questions as an internal job candidate. (Hint: These strategies apply to EVERYONE...they are simply non-negotiable when you are an internal candidate).
323: When is it Appropriate to Say Negative Things in Your Job Interview?
There is a myth out there that you can NEVER, EVER say anything negative about your current or former employer or boss in a job interview. There are times when the truth - although not necessarily the WHOLE truth - serves you better than a fluffy response that keeps the interviewer digging for the dirt.
300: 300 Episodes - Academy Awards for My Best Advice
I can’t believe this is episode #300! In honor, I am offering My Best Career Advice, Academy Award style, in each category I cover.
297: Do's and Don'ts of Interview Etiquette
Today, we’re covering interview etiquette — what to do, and what not to do. I’ve talked about several of these points on previous episodes, so I’m including links to those here.
296: The Importance of Body Language in Job Interviews
Body language, or nonverbal communication, can make or break your interview. No matter what is coming out of your mouth, a trained interviewer will pay attention to what you are saying with your facial expressions, arms, posture, and general demeanor. If what you are saying is at odds with your body language, a trained interviewer will believe your body language. The caveat here: Be yourself. Here then, are 11 tips for conveying appropriate body language during a job interview.
291: What Should I Wear to a Job Interview?
We’ve gotten very relaxed in our dress since Covid, especially those of us who have worked from home. Even many companies have relaxed their dress standards — so what does this mean for how to dress for a job interview?
281: How Employers Are Using AI in Job Interviews and How to Prepare for an AI Interview
Today, we’re talking about how employers are using Artificial Intelligence (AI) in job interviews — and what that means for you as a job seeker. AI is being used in the interview process via Natural Language Processing (NLP), chatbots, sentiment analysis, facial expression recognition and visual perception, speech recognition, tone analysis, and decision-making. We’ll talk through some definitions, some categories of tools that companies use, and how to prepare for an AI interview.
277: Behavioral Interview Questions Don't Come Out of Thin Air — How to Know What You're Going to Be Asked
Today, I want to talk about behavioral interview questions. Specifically, where do they come from? How can you know what you’re going to be asked so you can prepare appropriate CARL stories? The answer to these questions begins with the job description. We’ll work through how to best prepare yourself for these questions and then stick around to the end for our DIY vs. DFY segment!
274: How to Research an Employer Before a Job Interview
Today, we’re talking about researching an employer who has sought you out for an interview. However, it is important to research employers BEFORE you apply for a job. In this episode, we’ll be covering answers to questions like: Where should you look for this information? What should you be looking for? How do you analyze the information you garner to make a decision as to whether you should apply to that company?
273: Here's a Key Quality Employers Interview For
I’m leaning heavily on an article from cnbc.com by Claire Hughes Johnson entitled “I was VP at Google for 10 years. Here’s the No. 1 skill I looked for at job interviews—very few people had it.” What is this important, yet rare, quality? Self-awareness. Today, we delve into how interviewers check for self-awareness, how to recognize if you’re lacking in self-awareness, and how to build self-awareness.
262: The Behavioral Interview: Your 5-Step Process for Delivering Job-Winning Answers
Today, I want to give you a five-step process for answering behavioral interview questions. Behavioral interviewing operates on the principle that the best predictor of future behavior is past behavior. Behavioral interview questions require you to respond with a specific story, rather than talking in hypotheticals. In these situations, preparation is key. I teach my clients the CARL method: Challenge – Action – Result – Lessons Learned, and that’s what I recommend for you as well.
260: Creative Ways to Follow Up After a Job Interview
I get a lot of questions about following up after a job interview. Today, I want to give the ABC’s of interview follow-up, as well as some creative options for staying in touch throughout the decision-making process.
255: Strategies for Answering the Toughest Interview Question
I wanted to revisit a topic I covered way back in episode #82 on how to answer the “Tell me about yourself” interview question. Because the “tell me about yourself” question is asked first if it is asked at all, it holds considerable weight in the interviewer’s mind. It also gives you the opportunity to start the interview off on the best possible foot. Today, I wanted to go over how I coach my clients to answer this question.
242: How to Ask for Interview Feedback
Today’s episode is on how to ask for interview feedback. I hear from you about your frustration in not getting feedback from your job interviews. Without concrete information, you are left to make assumptions – and for some of you, that means you beat yourself up for your “failure.” The message I intend for you to hear in this episode is this: Waiting until after you’ve been eliminated as a candidate is too late to ask for feedback.
234: Words to Use and Lose in Your Next Job Interview (with Tracy Hooper)
My guest this week is Tracy Hooper, and we’re talking about words to use and words to lose in your next job interview. Tracy gives us techniques for identifying the less-than-ideal words we may be using and how to replace them with better word choices.
233: The 3 Things You MUST Do in an Informational Interview (with Mac Prichard)
Mac Prichard, of Mac’s List, is a third-time guest on the podcast! In this episode, we do a deep dive on how to conduct an informational interview, including the three things you MUST do during this conversation.
016: The Interview Outfit
Today, I interview stylist and life coach Jane Springer, and we are talking about how to dress for the interview. The bottom line: how you dress for the interview depends largely on the industry, the specific company, and the position you’re applying for.
082: Answering the "Tell Me About Yourself" Interview Question
This month will all be about the job interview. Today, let’s dive into the “tell me about yourself” question. This one is super important, because if it is asked it is the first question.
083: Answering the Dreaded "Strengths" and "Weaknesses" Interview Questions
This month we’re covering some of the most difficult aspects of the job interview. Last week we covered the “tell me about yourself” question, and today we’re diving into the “strengths” and “weaknesses” questions.
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