Looking for a new job or want to move up in your company? Lesa teaches you the tools and strategies you need to land your dream job, increase your promotability, and successfully navigate your career.
143: How to Handle Tough Career Conversations (Interview with AmyK Hutchens)
Today’s guest is AmyK Hutchens, and we’re talking about “How to Handle Tough Career Conversation.” AmyK covers how to handle three particularly challenging career conversations: the job interview, dealing with a difficult co-worker, & asking for a raise. AmyK also provides you with her three top tips for handling any tough career conversation you may face.
146: It's Not Your Resume...It's You
Okay…let me correct that title a bit. It very well MIGHT be your resume. Here’s how I know: In consults with prospective clients, I ask them if they are currently in a job search or just at the starting blocks. If they tell me they have been job searching, I ask them for these metrics: # of applications, # of interviews, & # of job offers. This information is invaluable because it gives me tremendous insight into where their problems might lie. Today, we will talk over some examples of how I use these metrics to help clients with job searching.
153: Planning for a Job Search in the New Year - What You Must Do Now
Many of you have been job searching this year and will be continuing your job search into 2021. Others of you will start a job search in the new year. Here are the 11 steps you should be taking before the end of 2020 so that you are at that starting line by mid-January.
200: Episode 200: Celebrating the Best of the Best
I am SO excited to bring you the 200th episode of The Exclusive Career Coach podcast.
This milestone represents hundreds of hours writing content, recording episodes, and until recently, editing those episodes. For this episode, I pulled snippets of wisdom from the top 10 most-listened-to episodes of The Exclusive Career Coach.
202: How to Prepare for the Interview as an Internal Candidate
This week I’m talking about how to prepare for the interview as an internal candidate. We’ll cover what to do before you consider applying, how to submit a proper application, and what your interview itself should look like.
203: Different Types of Job Interviews and How to Prepare for Each
Today we’re talking about the different types of interviews you might encounter during a job search – and how to prepare for each. You may experience a combination of two or more types of interviews for the same job – even in the same interview.
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