Looking for a new job or want to move up in your company? Lesa teaches you the tools and strategies you need to land your dream job, increase your promotability, and successfully navigate your career.
152: Special Considerations for Zoom and Phone Job Interviews
I’ve given you tons of content around interviewing; today’s podcast is about the special considerations surrounding Zoom and phone interviews.
156: Managing - and Being Managed - Remotely (Interview with Bruce Tulgan)
This week, I have return guest Bruce Tulgan with me. We are talking about the unique challenges of managing, and being managed, remotely. With so many companies working from home at least part of the time, this is a particularly relevant topic.
203: Different Types of Job Interviews and How to Prepare for Each
Today we’re talking about the different types of interviews you might encounter during a job search – and how to prepare for each. You may experience a combination of two or more types of interviews for the same job – even in the same interview.
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