Looking for a new job or want to move up in your company? Lesa teaches you the tools and strategies you need to land your dream job, increase your promotability, and successfully navigate your career.
225: Solutions-Focused Questions to Ask Your Direct Reports
Today I wanted to give you some tools to help you with your direct reports. I utilized “Quiet Leadership” from David Rock for this episode. The idea of solutions-focused questions is that you are focusing not on the problem, but on the solution to the problem. There is no upside to placing blame; rather, you want to help your employee understand how they can do better next time.
038: The Neutrality of Circumstances
This month, I’m taking a week for each of the components (circumstance, thought, feeling, action, result) of the thought model as developed by my coach, Brooke Castillo. Today, I want to hone in on circumstance.
039: Your Thoughts Determine EVERYTHING
This month, I’m taking a week for each of the components (circumstance, thought, feeling, action, result) of the thought model as developed by my coach, Brooke Castillo. Today, I want to hone in on your thoughts.
040: How Do You Want to Feel?
This month, I’m taking a week for each of the components (circumstance, thought, feeling, action, result) of the thought model as developed by my coach, Brooke Castillo. Today, I want to hone in on your feelings.
041: Taking the Proper Action Steps
This month, I’m taking a week for each of the components (circumstance, thought, feeling, action, result) of the thought model as developed by my coach, Brooke Castillo. Today, I want to hone in on your actions.
042: You ARE Getting Results…Are They the Results You Want?
This month, I’m taking a week for each of the components (circumstance, thought, feeling, action, result) of the thought model as developed by my coach, Brooke Castillo. Today, I want to hone in on the results you are getting in your life.
043: How to Speak and Write at Work
Writing skills are necessary to get the job, to move up professionally, and to develop the kinds of relationships with co-workers that lead to job success and satisfaction. In today’s podcast episode, I share useful tips to improve both writing and speaking skills for the business world.
044: Work Etiquette
Wikipedia defines work etiquette as “A code that governs the expectations of social behaviors in the workplace. In today’s podcast episode, I share a variety of different work etiquette tips that I think are important in the workplace.
045: Business Dining Etiquette
Getting invited to a business outing is exciting, but it’s also important to know the right norms and proper dining etiquette. In today’s podcast episode, I present some useful dining etiquette tips to ensure you conduct yourself in the most professional way.
046: Dress & Grooming with Abigail Hunter
This week's podcast covers all the bases when it comes to dress and grooming for today's workplace. My guest this week is the fabulous Abigail Hunter, who gives her top five tips for my ladies and my dudes.
047: Taking Advantage of Your Company's Professional Development Opportunities
Not providing growth and developmental opportunities to direct reports and teams can have a lot of consequences. Probably the most damaging is that they decide to find development elsewhere and leave for another opportunity externally. In today’s podcast episode, I present seven tools for you to take advantage of on-the-job professional development.
048: External Education Opportunities
In episode 47, I talked about taking advantage of your company’s internal training opportunities. I also talked about 7 strategies for creating one-on-one professional development opportunities for yourself, regardless of whether or not your employer has formal programs like these. Today, let’s talk about continuing your education outside your current employer.
049: What to Do if You’re Not Growing at Work
If you’re not being given new tasks or assignments, it’s time to speak with your boss. In today’s podcast episode, I discuss some of the ways to communicate with your boss about developing your position in the work environment.
050: Work/Life Blend (Balance is a Myth)
Think about it: Work/Life balance is like Work on one side of a teeter-totter, and Life on the other side. Rather, think of the Work/Life blend, meaning a delicious mixture of both where the Work ingredients are indistinguishable from the Life ingredients. In today’s podcast episode, I talk about how Work and Life can overlap in many manageable ways.
051: Identifying Your Motivated Skills
This month, we’ll be drilling down on your skills, personality preferences, core values, and expertise. Each of these things can, and should, play a role in your career decisions. Today’s topic is “Identifying Your Motivated Skills.”
224: How to Leverage Coaching Competencies if You Aren't a Certified Coach
The reason I’m doing this episode today is because of the horror stories I have heard about bosses who are supposed to be “coaching” their employees but are doing something else entirely. As a Certified Executive and Leadership Development Coach (CELDC), I wanted to talk about a few of the coaching competencies as laid out by the International Coaching Federation or ICF. ICF is considered the premier coaching credential organization in the world. Many people in leadership positions have gotten a coaching certification, but it may not be appropriate for everyone. So here’s a crash course on eight coaching competencies you can put to use today without a coaching certification.
052: Using Personality Information in your Career Choice
This month, I’m talking about using critical information about yourself in your career choice. Last week, I talked about Motivated Skills; this week I want to talk about your personality.
223: Leadership 101: What You MUST Know to Be a Successful Leader
A LOT is written about how to be a great leader. In today’s podcast, I wanted to distill this information down to the top 10 things you MUST know to be a successful leader.
053: Translating Your Core Values into your Career Decision
This month’s podcasts are covering the importance of incorporating your skills, values, personality, and areas of expertise into your career decision. Today, I want to talk about your core values…what is most important to you in an employer, a work environment, and the specific work you’re doing.
054: What are You REALLY Good At? (Areas of Expertise)
So far this month, I’ve talked about how to incorporate knowledge of your Motivated Skills, personality preferences, and Core Values into your career decision. Today, we’re answering the question, What are You REALLY Good At? We’re talking about capitalizing on your Areas of Expertise.
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