239: Prepping for the Final Hiring Push of the Year

Prepping for the Final Hiring Push of the Year

The usual cadence of hiring is this: The biggest push of the year occurs mid-January through March; the second-biggest push occurs after Labor Day until early- to mid-November. 

Of course, COVID and the current job market has affected the hiring practices of many employers, but let’s go with there being one more chance to get hired in 2022. 

If You’ve Already Been Searching.

If you’ve been looking for a few months with no results, it’s time to up your game—especially if all you have been doing is looking at job boards (which, as I’ve said many times before on this podcast, isn’t really a job search, in my opinion).

It’s time to add 1-2 active job search strategies to your arsenal, which I’m going to talk about in a few minutes.

One more thing: how’s your mindset? You haven’t had the success you were hoping for yet – what are you making that mean? It’s so important to do the “mental hygiene” at this point so you can get different results than you’ve gotten so far. 

If You’re Just Getting Started.

If your resume isn’t prepared and your LI profile updated—get on that immediately.

Also—give some thought to your non-negotiables in an employer and job. After all, if you don’t know what you are looking for, how will you know if you’ve found it? This process also helps with avoiding “shiny object syndrome” — going after a job for the wrong reasons.

One more suggestion — do a Google search on yourself. Is there anything there that would cause a potential employer to skip over you? In addition to the absence of negative, is positive content related to you out there?

Whether you’ve been looking for some time or are just getting started, here are some active job search strategies you can consider adding to the passive activities of looking at job boards and company websites. Pick 1 or 2 — don’t try to do them all.

Here are some options:

-Begin (or increase) connecting and cultivating relationships via LinkedIn

-Set up 1-2, 1:1 networking meetings, either via technology or in person each week

-Check out virtual or live career fairs in your area — either sponsored by the city, a local university, an industry (such as healthcare), or an individual employer 

-Attend a virtual or in-person event for your professional association

-Attend in-person networking events, such as those put on by your local Chamber of Commerce, BNI, etc.

-Attend in-person events where networking can occur (the music isn’t too loud and the people aren’t too drunk) 

-Check out Meet-Up and the Events tab on Facebook for affinity groups you could join — and network with the participants

-Look into your university alumni association

-Let people at your place of worship know you are looking for a job

Happy job searching!

Are you in the wrong job that chips away at you every day? The CareerSpring document and coaching program will help you find a job that uses your zone of genius, recognizes your value, and pays you what you’re worth.

If you’re ready to take your job search to the next level by working with a highly experienced professional with a track record of client success, schedule a complimentary consult to learn more:


240: 9 Leadership Styles and Their Strengths


238: Developing an Exceptional Work Team