Looking for a new job or want to move up in your company? Lesa teaches you the tools and strategies you need to land your dream job, increase your promotability, and successfully navigate your career.
350: What You Need to Know About the Job Market and Job Searching in 2025
Today, I’m talking about the job market and the job search for 2025 - a forecast of what to expect and how to manage your job search in the face of all these challenges.
347: New to Hiring? Here’s a Quick Guide
Whether you are new to hiring, been in the role for a while, or are a candidate navigating the hiring process, this episode is for you! I cover the 3 phases of the hiring process - and what it means for those doing the hiring and those being hired.
303: Frustrations Facing Job Candidates - How to Overcome
Today, we’re talking about the obstacles you may face if you are planning to job search this year. I’ve teased out six things you’ll want to take into consideration as you look for your next great role.
283: What is Happening in the Job Market — and What it Means for Job Seekers
According to an article from the Wall Street Journal, nearly four million workers left the labor market in the first months of the pandemic — the lowest level of employment since 1983. There were many reasons for this but now, we’re starting to see a post-pandemic resurgence of midcareer workers. There are plenty of statistics and forecasts for how this will continue to develop, but for now, let’s get more personal to job-seekers in this market and discuss what you, as a candidate, can do to make the hiring process more palatable and successful for you.
239: Prepping for the Final Hiring Push of the Year
The usual cadence of hiring is this: The biggest push of the year occurs mid-January through March; the second-biggest push occurs after Labor Day until early- to mid-November. So let’s go with there being one more chance to get hired in 2022. This episode will help you get in good job-searching shape for if you’ve been searching for a while, or even if you just started looking, by providing some active job search options you can throw into your search strategy.
229: Best of The Exclusive Career Coach: 5 Ways Mind Drama Can Creep into Your Job Search (with guest Jane Springer)
This week I'm excited to share a "Best of the Exclusive Career Coach podcast" episode — I speak with life coach Jane Springer on the types of mind drama I hear from clients related to the current job market, their qualifications, themselves as human beings, their job search strategy, and their career focus.
228: How to Write an Outstanding LinkedIn Profile
Increasingly, LinkedIn is a crucial part of the hiring process. Whether employers are vetting you for a position you’ve applied for or seeking out candidates with the credentials they require, they ARE most definitely looking at your LI profile. Today, we’re specifically covering strategies for writing an outstanding LI headline. This is the “tag line” that goes directly underneath your name at the top of your profile – and it is prime real estate.
058: How to Negotiate a Job
There is a relatively small window of opportunity to negotiate during the hiring process. It is between the time the company makes you a bona fide job offer and the time you accept that offer. In this week’s podcast episode, I talk about some ways to negotiate certain desires and conditions in the job hiring process.
214: What Should I Include - and Leave Off - My Resume?
I get a lot of questions about what should, and shouldn’t, be included in a resume. I also see a lot of resumes that include information that shouldn’t be there. Keep in mind that your resume should be a marketing document. You are selling a product, and that product is YOU. Today, we will cover what should ALWAYS be on your resume, NEVER should be on your resume, and what MIGHT be on your resume.
213: Should I Give Personal Information In My Job Interview?
Let’s talk about this topic of providing personal information during a job interview. Different so-called “experts” will have differing opinions about this, but here’s my stance: In short, my answer is YES. But with conditions.
125: Making it Through a Job Search Unscathed
…okay, maybe I overstated a bit in the heading. Disappointment, rejection, and frustration are part of the deal when it comes to job searching. Here’s what is optional during a job search: Beating. Yourself. Up. Today, we’re talking about taking that rejection notice…that non-response…mean something about you as a human being. As an employee. As a valuable contributor to the world.
149: Salary Negotiations - 3 Important Numbers
I coach my clients on walking into the salary negotiation process with 3 numbers decided. In addition to talking about those numbers today, I’m also using the Forbes Article, “Are You Being Thorough in Your Salary Negotiations? The Complete Insider’s Checklist,” by Dawn Graham for additional information on salary negotiations.
150: Putting a Bow on Your Behavioral Interview Answers
We’re talking today about behavioral interviews. Those interview questions that begin with “Tell me about a time when…” or “Describe a situation that…”
151: Following Up After the Job Interview
Today we’ll be discussing the procedure for following up after an interview. This discussion will be broken into 3 parts: at the close of the interview, immediately after the interview, and at regular intervals.
173: Making Sure Your Resume Gets Through the Applicant Tracking System (ATS)
Today’s episode is about the ATS and how you can make sure your resume gets through the Applicant Tracking System (ATS). I’ll explain how the ATS works and the do’s and don’ts if you want your resume to pass through the system.
183: Closing the Job Interview and Following Up
This week, I want to talk about how to wrap up a job interview and what you’ll want to do after the interview to increase your chances of getting the job. We’ll cover what to do at the end of an interview, in the 24 hours following, and how to maintain ongoing contact.
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