Looking for a new job or want to move up in your company? Lesa teaches you the tools and strategies you need to land your dream job, increase your promotability, and successfully navigate your career.
254: Humanizing the Remote Work Experience (with Amy Mednick)
My guest today is Dr. Amy Mednick, a New York City psychiatrist who specializes in the overlap between the humanities in neuroscience. Today, Amy and I talk about Zoom fatigue — what is it, why is it so prevalent, and the warning signs you want to pay attention to. We also talk about how to make Zoom meetings more humanizing if you are in charge.
123: Creative Networking Strategies for Virus Jail
Today, I want to talk about creative networking strategies in the era of Virus Jail. When in- person networking events are literally against the law for many of us. Here’s the main message I want to convey today: You can’t put your career or job search goals on hold during Virus Jail. You can’t wait to exhale until this is over. As I keep reminding you: Your goals are still your goals. How you achieve them may change, but the desired result hasn’t. The most effective job search strategy, hands down, is networking. The most effective career advancement tool is networking. Your challenge, then, is to get creative with networking during Virus Jail.
152: Special Considerations for Zoom and Phone Job Interviews
I’ve given you tons of content around interviewing; today’s podcast is about the special considerations surrounding Zoom and phone interviews.
165: 12 Best Strategies for Networking on LinkedIn
Let me start by saying that LinkedIn is your single best job search resource. Today, I want to drill down on 12 specific ways to network using LinkedIn.
177: Overcoming Your Fear of Networking
Today’s episode is about overcoming the fear of networking. We’ll focus on one-to-one networking opportunities and then networking events.
179: Seven Strategies for Jumpstarting Your Networking
Today’s podcast will be strategies that you may not have thought of to either jumpstart your networking, or to take what you are already doing to the next level.
200: Episode 200: Celebrating the Best of the Best
I am SO excited to bring you the 200th episode of The Exclusive Career Coach podcast.
This milestone represents hundreds of hours writing content, recording episodes, and until recently, editing those episodes. For this episode, I pulled snippets of wisdom from the top 10 most-listened-to episodes of The Exclusive Career Coach.
203: Different Types of Job Interviews and How to Prepare for Each
Today we’re talking about the different types of interviews you might encounter during a job search – and how to prepare for each. You may experience a combination of two or more types of interviews for the same job – even in the same interview.
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