Looking for a new job or want to move up in your company? Lesa teaches you the tools and strategies you need to land your dream job, increase your promotability, and successfully navigate your career.
220: How to Work with a Difficult Co-Worker
We’ve all had to work with difficult co-workers. Of course, what makes a co-worker difficult to work with for one person may not be an issue at all for another person – maybe they even view that co-worker’s idiosyncrasies as a strength. The most important thing to understand here is that YOU CAN’T CONTROL ANYONE ELSE. Today, we’ll talk about what this looks like.
219: Ten Symptoms of Job Burnout - and What to Do About Them
Today, we’re talking about the signs of job burnout and what to do. The first thing I want to say about this topic is that there is the job burnout you can recover from without leaving your current job, and there is the job burnout that will require you to move on. Some of you KNOW you are burned out. For others of you, it may be like lightbulbs burning out one by one – you don’t realize the room is dimming until the last bulb goes out and you are in complete darkness.
073: Leadership for Millennials (with Peter Berry)
My guest today is Peter Berry, whose leadership experience is varied and fascinating; particularly interesting in light of his undergraduate degree in Fine Arts. Peter is a perfect example of how a liberal arts degree can be a great springboard for moving into leadership roles.
074: What You MUST Know About Resumes in 2019
Resumes are not the easiest to put together. There’s no objectively right or wrong way to format your resume, but it’s important to know what to put on them. In today’s podcast episode, I share some useful points to consider when building your resume.
075: Top Eight Improvements for Your LinkedIn Profile
Today I’m going to talk about what I like to call “curb appeal,” how to improve the appearance of your home on LinkedIn, which is your LI profile.
076: Strategies to Make the Most of LinkedIn
Today, I want to talk about strategies for making the most of LinkedIn. I’m going to focus on those of you who are job searching, but good networking is good networking…regardless of your end-goal.
077: Cover Letter - Yes or No?
This month, we’re covering the marketing documents you need for your job search – your resume, cover letter, and LinkedIn profile. Today, let’s talk about the cover letter.
078: Why is Networking So Stinkin' Important?
In today’s podcast episode, I want to address the WHY of networking…why is networking so very important?
079: How Most People Network...and My Approach
In today’s podcast episode, we’re going to talk about the way most people approach networking, and how my approach is different.
080: Places to Network (and how to maximize them)
In today’s podcast episode, let’s talk about where you can network and the events or organizations that can provide significant potential benefit to networking for a new job.
081: How Not to Be a Networking Barnacle
All this month, we’re talking about networking. Today, let’s talk about quid pro quo. How to give as much value as you get when you’re networking.
082: Answering the "Tell Me About Yourself" Interview Question
This month will all be about the job interview. Today, let’s dive into the “tell me about yourself” question. This one is super important, because if it is asked it is the first question.
083: Answering the Dreaded "Strengths" and "Weaknesses" Interview Questions
This month we’re covering some of the most difficult aspects of the job interview. Last week we covered the “tell me about yourself” question, and today we’re diving into the “strengths” and “weaknesses” questions.
084: Prepping for the Behavioral Interview
All this month, we’re covering the job interview. So far, we’ve talked about how to answer the “tell me about yourself,” “what are your greatest strengths,” and “what is your greatest weakness” questions. Today, let’s dive into the behavioral interview.
085: Developing Your Questions to Ask the Interviewer
All this month, we’ve been diving into the job interview including how to answer difficult questions and how to prepare for a behavioral interview. Today we’re talking about the questions you can ask the interviewer.
086: How to Succeed in the First 90 Days of a New Job (with Robert Moment)
Starting any new job can be an exciting, yet stressful experience. However, this doesn’t mean that you have an impossible task in front of you. There are a number of tactics and strategies that you can leverage to start your new job on the best foot.
087: How to Find Work in the US as a Foreign National
There’s nothing US citizens should do in their job search that foreign nationals shouldn’t do. There is, however, another layer (or perhaps a few additional layers) that foreign nationals should consider when searching and applying for jobs.
088: Job Passion, Proficiency, and Profitability
There are three basic needs that every person has in order for their job to be fulfilling. Of course, you probably have additional ones, but I want to focus on these three basics in today’s episode.
089: Career Coaching vs. Life Coaching
I’ve gotten questions lately about what I do as career coach…and they ask if I am a life coach. It occurred to me that there are some similarities and distinct differences between career coaching and life coaching, and I thought I would educate you, dear listeners.
090: Making a Career Transition (Interview with Lauren Gerard)
This week's episode is with Lauren Gerard, a client I worked with in 2018. Hear how she found her new job, and how she's enjoying her new position.
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