Looking for a new job or want to move up in your company? Lesa teaches you the tools and strategies you need to land your dream job, increase your promotability, and successfully navigate your career.
197: How to Manage People You Don't Manage (with Mark Herschberg)
My guest this week is Mark Herschberg, and we’re talking about How to Manage People You Don’t Manage. This is a particularly important topic in light of the changes we’re seeing as corporations respond to COVID. Mark talks about the unique challenges of managing people you don’t manage and gives us tips for leading by influence.
198: Career Clarity - What Are Your Non-Negotiables? (with Jeff Perry)
In this episode with guest Jeff Perry, we talk about making an intentional, rather than reactive, career transition. Jeff describes career clarity for us, how to determine our non-negotiables (what MUST be present in our career and job for satisfaction), and tools you can use to help find your own career clarity.
199: Strategies to Alleviate Work-Related Stress and Fatigue (with Marina Kirik)
My guest today is Marina Kirik, and we’re talking about stress and fatigue around the changes to our work environments due to the pandemic. Marina explains some of the unique challenges of work-from-home, work-in-office, and hybrid arrangements, and gives us strategies for coping with the stress around each. Marina also shares ideas for keeping the healthy habits many of us have adopted during the pandemic as we return to work or see other changes in our work situations.
200: Episode 200: Celebrating the Best of the Best
I am SO excited to bring you the 200th episode of The Exclusive Career Coach podcast.
This milestone represents hundreds of hours writing content, recording episodes, and until recently, editing those episodes. For this episode, I pulled snippets of wisdom from the top 10 most-listened-to episodes of The Exclusive Career Coach.
201: How to Position Yourself as a Freelancer...and Why You Should (with Matthew Mottola)
My guest today is Matthew Mottola, author of The Human Cloud. We talk about The Freelance Economy, what it means to be a freelancer, and the good and bad reasons for entering The Freelance Economy. Matthew also gives tips for ways to start working as a freelancer – and how to make yourself indispensable as a freelancer.
202: How to Prepare for the Interview as an Internal Candidate
This week I’m talking about how to prepare for the interview as an internal candidate. We’ll cover what to do before you consider applying, how to submit a proper application, and what your interview itself should look like.
203: Different Types of Job Interviews and How to Prepare for Each
Today we’re talking about the different types of interviews you might encounter during a job search – and how to prepare for each. You may experience a combination of two or more types of interviews for the same job – even in the same interview.
204: Five Unusual Things to Be Thankful for in 2021
Each year at Thanksgiving in the U.S., I do an episode on the five unusual things I am thankful for that year. These are things that might, on the surface, not seem like blessings – but have been. And I show parallels to how this, or something similar, might show up in your life. Here is my list for 2021.
205: Your Resume: How to Find the Balance Between Flash and Substance
On various social media accounts I follow of resume writing groups and individuals, I am seeing a disturbing trend of flash over substance. At first glance, these resumes LOOK good, but when you actually read the documents, there’s no depth. No metrics. Here are five specific concerns I have about these resumes.
002: Maximizing the Effectiveness of Job Boards
This week’s podcast is on how to effectively utilize job boards as part of your job search arsenal. I’ll give you my top 12 tips for getting the best possible results from sites like Indeed.com, Monster, and LinkedIn’s job board.
001: Overview of the Job Search
Welcome to Lesa’s new podcast, The Exclusive Career Coach. We’ll be covering all things career management, starting with a high-level overview of the job search.
To kick things off: Job boards are broken. But what’s the alternative?
Let’s work together