Looking for a new job or want to move up in your company? Lesa teaches you the tools and strategies you need to land your dream job, increase your promotability, and successfully navigate your career.
139: How to Have Difficult Conversations at Work
Today, we’ll talk about how you can have difficult work conversations in a way that doesn’t leave one or both parties feeling like you’ve been run over and left for road kill. The purpose of this exercise is to move the relationship forward, not to convince the other person that you’re right and they are wrong. There is no upside to having a winner and a loser. Be willing to be wrong…or at least not right.
140: Transferable Skills (Interview with Jeanne Bohen)
Today’s guest is Jeanne Bohen, and we’re discussing transferable skills. Especially in today’s job search climate, being able to pivot by identifying and capitalizing on your transferable skills has never been more important. We discuss what transferable skills are, why they are so important, and a process you can go through to identify your transferable skills. We also talk about the importance of proactively developing transferable skills as part of your career development plan.
141: ARFO in the Time of COVID
A few years back I coined the term “ARFO” – Always Ready for Opportunity. It is the idea that you should always be prepared to have conversations about job opportunities…and that there are certain steps you want to take to be prepared for those conversations. Today we’ll talk about the importance of ARFO in the time of COVID.
142: Using LinkedIn in a Discreet Job Search
Sometimes, you are free to shout your professional availability from the roof top. Other times, your job search needs to be covert, because you don’t want your current employer finding out what you’re up to. Here are five tips for utilizing LinkedIn for a discreet job search.
143: How to Handle Tough Career Conversations (Interview with AmyK Hutchens)
Today’s guest is AmyK Hutchens, and we’re talking about “How to Handle Tough Career Conversation.” AmyK covers how to handle three particularly challenging career conversations: the job interview, dealing with a difficult co-worker, & asking for a raise. AmyK also provides you with her three top tips for handling any tough career conversation you may face.
144: How to Prepare for Your First Meeting with Your New Boss
Today we’ll be talking about the questions that can be useful during a first meeting with a boss. This is your chance to determine what your boss’s expectations of you are, what criteria he will use to measure your success, and what is most important to your boss. This is also the perfect time to clarify job responsibilities, as well as things like work hours, dress code, and expense reporting. For the boss, this is an opportunity to understand how to motivate and communicate with the new hire.
207: Six Simple Career-Advancing Steps to Take Over the Holidays
The holidays are a time for family, rest, good food…a time to unplug from the hustle and grind that, for many of us, defines our work life the rest of the year. In the midst of that family time and relaxation, you have an opportunity to reflect and journal on your professional life. Review 2021 and set intentions for 2022. Here are six simple ways to help your career during the holidays.
145: How to Fail at Networking
You’ve heard this statistic: as much as 85% of jobs are obtained through the “hidden” job market. “Hidden,” meaning these jobs aren’t advertised. The vast majority of these “hidden” jobs are obtained through networking. Here’s what many people do wrong in networking…and how you can avoid these traps.
146: It's Not Your Resume...It's You
Okay…let me correct that title a bit. It very well MIGHT be your resume. Here’s how I know: In consults with prospective clients, I ask them if they are currently in a job search or just at the starting blocks. If they tell me they have been job searching, I ask them for these metrics: # of applications, # of interviews, & # of job offers. This information is invaluable because it gives me tremendous insight into where their problems might lie. Today, we will talk over some examples of how I use these metrics to help clients with job searching.
147: What to Do When Recruiters Ghost You
For the uninitiated, ghosting means that someone has stopped responding to all communication from you. I got a lot of the information for this episode from an online article by Shireen Jaffer at Minutes. There are a few reasons why a company or recruiter might ghost you that have nothing to do with you. We’ll cover those, what you may have done, and what you can do to avoid this in the future.
148: How to Be Indispensable at Work (Interview with Bruce Tulgan)
Today’s guest is Bruce Tulgan of Rainmaker Thinking. Today we talk about how to be indispensable at work. Bruce defines indispensability: to whom should you seek to be indispensable, and how to be indispensable while maintaining a work/life balance (or, as I like to call it, work/life blend). Bruce talks about his extensive research in this area, and the key takeaways you can use to become indispensable at work.
149: Salary Negotiations - 3 Important Numbers
I coach my clients on walking into the salary negotiation process with 3 numbers decided. In addition to talking about those numbers today, I’m also using the Forbes Article, “Are You Being Thorough in Your Salary Negotiations? The Complete Insider’s Checklist,” by Dawn Graham for additional information on salary negotiations.
150: Putting a Bow on Your Behavioral Interview Answers
We’re talking today about behavioral interviews. Those interview questions that begin with “Tell me about a time when…” or “Describe a situation that…”
151: Following Up After the Job Interview
Today we’ll be discussing the procedure for following up after an interview. This discussion will be broken into 3 parts: at the close of the interview, immediately after the interview, and at regular intervals.
152: Special Considerations for Zoom and Phone Job Interviews
I’ve given you tons of content around interviewing; today’s podcast is about the special considerations surrounding Zoom and phone interviews.
153: Planning for a Job Search in the New Year - What You Must Do Now
Many of you have been job searching this year and will be continuing your job search into 2021. Others of you will start a job search in the new year. Here are the 11 steps you should be taking before the end of 2020 so that you are at that starting line by mid-January.
154: 5 Ways Mind Drama Can Creep into your Job Search (with Jane Springer)
This week, I speak with life coach Jane Springer on the types of mind drama I am hearing from clients related to the current job market, their qualifications, themselves as human beings, their job search strategy, and their career focus.
155: Annual List of 5 Unusual Things to Be Thankful For
For several years now, I have blogged and/or podcasted a list of 5 unusual things to be thankful for each year at Thanksgiving time. There are lessons in each of these things that you can apply to your life. Here’s my 2020 list.
156: Managing - and Being Managed - Remotely (Interview with Bruce Tulgan)
This week, I have return guest Bruce Tulgan with me. We are talking about the unique challenges of managing, and being managed, remotely. With so many companies working from home at least part of the time, this is a particularly relevant topic.
157: Overcoming an Employment Gap
Today, I want to talk about overcoming an employment gap. We’ll be looking at this from an internal and external perspective.
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