
Looking for a new job or want to move up in your company? Lesa teaches you the tools and strategies you need to land your dream job, increase your promotability, and successfully navigate your career.

Resume Lesa Edwards Resume Lesa Edwards

214: What Should I Include - and Leave Off - My Resume?

I get a lot of questions about what should, and shouldn’t, be included in a resume. I also see a lot of resumes that include information that shouldn’t be there. Keep in mind that your resume should be a marketing document. You are selling a product, and that product is YOU. Today, we will cover what should ALWAYS be on your resume, NEVER should be on your resume, and what MIGHT be on your resume.

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Job Search Lesa Edwards Job Search Lesa Edwards

212: The +1 Approach to Job Boards

Today, I want to zero in on something I have mentioned in other podcasts. I call this my +1 approach to job boards. In my work with clients, I differentiate between active job search strategies and passive job search strategies. Of course I want my clients to focus on active job search strategies but there is a way to make your passive job search a bit more active, using my +1 approach. This is what we’ll be talking about today.

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Other Lesa Edwards Other Lesa Edwards

112: My Journey, and What it Teaches You

I’ve been thinking a lot about my journey lately. Also, with the new year and new decade, it seems like a good time to reflect. I’ve shared bits and pieces of my life with you over the previous 111 episodes, but I decided to dedicate an entire episode to my story — what I’ve learned and how I’ve grown,–in the hopes that it will inspire you. I’m hoping to pull back the curtain in this episode.

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114: Effective Communication at Work

Last week’s episode was on Active Listening, so today I’ll cover Effective Communication. There are four steps to the communication process; at any point in that process something can go wrong: the words you speak, what you meant by those words, the words the listener heard, and what the listener makes those words mean.

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Job Search Lesa Edwards Job Search Lesa Edwards

210: How to Conduct a Job Search When You Have a Full-Time Job

You’ve probably heard the expression that looking for a job IS a full-time job. But what if you already have a full-time job? The biggest issue I see for people in this situation is the tendency to put their job search on the back burner because they have so many priorities going on at work. Today, I wanted to share strategies for those of you who will be conducting a job search this year while working full-time.

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Networking Lesa Edwards Networking Lesa Edwards

209: Developing Your Elevator Pitch

Let’s talk about how to develop the perfect elevator pitch. For those of you who aren’t familiar with the concept, an elevator pitch is your 30-second commercial. The idea is that you could say it going from one floor to the next on an elevator. Your elevator pitch can be used as you introduce yourself at networking events, when you meet people by happenstance, and of course when you are on the elevator.

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Leadership Lesa Edwards Leadership Lesa Edwards

208: Use Your V.O.I.C.E. to Become a Fearless Speaker (with Carissa Karner)

Carissa and I speak about how to become a fearless speaker. This topic is especially important for women, and Carissa tells us why. She talks specifically about becoming a fearless speaker during job interviews, when giving presentations, and when you are having one-on-one, difficult conversations. She explains how to bring down our anxiety, boost our self-confidence, and be extremely prepared for these conversations.

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Leadership Lesa Edwards Leadership Lesa Edwards

117: How to On-Board Successfully as a Leader

Determining the organization’s culture (and/or the sub-culture of your specific department or business unit) is key to knowing how to approach your work from day one. A major component of organizational culture is readiness to change. Today we will cover these cultures.

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Career Management Lesa Edwards Career Management Lesa Edwards

118: How Does Your Persistence Measure Up?

This episode center’s around Wallace D. Wattle’s seminal book, “The Science of Getting Rich.” Specifically, his perspective on persistence. Why is this so important? Because Mr. Wattle’s decades-long research into successful people revealed what so many after him have also found to be true…persistence is an essential quality for success.

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