Looking for a new job or want to move up in your company? Lesa teaches you the tools and strategies you need to land your dream job, increase your promotability, and successfully navigate your career.
Special Episode: Job Searching in Virus Jail
Today we’re doing a special episode to help those of you who are job searching during the Coronavirus pandemic.
124: Your Social Impact Job Search (Interview with Katie Secrist)
In honor of Earth Day 2020, today’s podcast guest is Katie Secrist, the Director of Strategic Partnerships at Sustainable Business Consulting. She talks about careers in sustainability – what they are, how to get them, and specific strategies for navigating your social impact job search.
125: Making it Through a Job Search Unscathed
…okay, maybe I overstated a bit in the heading. Disappointment, rejection, and frustration are part of the deal when it comes to job searching. Here’s what is optional during a job search: Beating. Yourself. Up. Today, we’re talking about taking that rejection notice…that non-response…mean something about you as a human being. As an employee. As a valuable contributor to the world.
130: What Job Seekers Need to Know About Executive Recruiters (Interview with George McGehrin)
Here are the topics George and I discuss during this episode: the difference between retained search firms and contingency search firms (this is an important distinction and one of the first questions you should ask a recruiter who reaches out to you), myths about executive recruiting, how the role of the executive recruiter has changed in the face of COVID, the proper role of recruiters in your job search, & ways to cultivate long-term relationships with recruiters as a career management strategy
136: What are you Lacking as a Job Candidate?
Lee Hecht Harrison surveyed 277 human resource managers to find out what was missing from the job candidates they receive application materials from. Today, we’ll cover their responses and what this means for you as a job applicant.
140: Transferable Skills (Interview with Jeanne Bohen)
Today’s guest is Jeanne Bohen, and we’re discussing transferable skills. Especially in today’s job search climate, being able to pivot by identifying and capitalizing on your transferable skills has never been more important. We discuss what transferable skills are, why they are so important, and a process you can go through to identify your transferable skills. We also talk about the importance of proactively developing transferable skills as part of your career development plan.
141: ARFO in the Time of COVID
A few years back I coined the term “ARFO” – Always Ready for Opportunity. It is the idea that you should always be prepared to have conversations about job opportunities…and that there are certain steps you want to take to be prepared for those conversations. Today we’ll talk about the importance of ARFO in the time of COVID.
147: What to Do When Recruiters Ghost You
For the uninitiated, ghosting means that someone has stopped responding to all communication from you. I got a lot of the information for this episode from an online article by Shireen Jaffer at Minutes. There are a few reasons why a company or recruiter might ghost you that have nothing to do with you. We’ll cover those, what you may have done, and what you can do to avoid this in the future.
149: Salary Negotiations - 3 Important Numbers
I coach my clients on walking into the salary negotiation process with 3 numbers decided. In addition to talking about those numbers today, I’m also using the Forbes Article, “Are You Being Thorough in Your Salary Negotiations? The Complete Insider’s Checklist,” by Dawn Graham for additional information on salary negotiations.
153: Planning for a Job Search in the New Year - What You Must Do Now
Many of you have been job searching this year and will be continuing your job search into 2021. Others of you will start a job search in the new year. Here are the 11 steps you should be taking before the end of 2020 so that you are at that starting line by mid-January.
154: 5 Ways Mind Drama Can Creep into your Job Search (with Jane Springer)
This week, I speak with life coach Jane Springer on the types of mind drama I am hearing from clients related to the current job market, their qualifications, themselves as human beings, their job search strategy, and their career focus.
157: Overcoming an Employment Gap
Today, I want to talk about overcoming an employment gap. We’ll be looking at this from an internal and external perspective.
162: How to Do Unemployment Better than you Think you Can (with Adriel Lubarsky)
This week's guest is Adriel Lubarsky of Riveterworks.com - an online community for job seekers. We talk about how to make the most of your unemployment, both personally and professionally.
163: Ten Resources you Should be Tapping for your Job Search
I’m finding a lot of my clients are missing some pretty amazing resources in looking for their next job, so I wanted to spend this episode going over 10 of these resources.
167: Add These Three Things to Your Job Search to Dramatically Change Your Results
Today, our focus is on the things I want you to consider adding to your job search, especially if you aren’t getting the results you were expecting. Also, I’ve linked some other recent episodes as well that are particularly helpful for job searching.
189: 3 Areas of Your LinkedIn Profile That Can Make All the Difference
Today, I’m talking about 3 areas of your LinkedIn profile that are often overlooked – and that can have an outsized effect on your results if done correctly.
Those 3 areas are:
1. Your Headline
2. Your Skills
3. Recommendations
190: Should You Hire a Professional Resume Writer or Go it On Your Own? How to Decide
Today, I’m talking about whether you should hire a professional resume writer or DIY it. A disclaimer here: I believe EVERYONE would benefit from a professional resume writer. The question then becomes, is the cost worth it? Are the stakes high enough that I need a professional to help me be competitive?
192: What's REALLY Going On With the Job Market
We’re hearing a lot about “The Great Resignation” of 2021 and the volatile job market. I wanted to personally do a deep dive on this topic, and decided to share what I uncovered with you guys. The topics I’ll cover today consist of what is going on, what the costs are, where the most vacancies are and which industries are still hurting, and Microsoft’s reported 7 trends for returning to the office.
195: How to Turn Yourself into a Blue-Chip Stock (with Dave Perry)
My guest today is Dave Perry and we’re talking about the concept of a blue-chip stock as it applies to being a standout employee. We talk about how to position yourself as a blue-chip stock during the interview process and once you’ve gotten the job. Dave gives us action steps we can take to begin positioning ourselves as a blue-chip stock.
203: Different Types of Job Interviews and How to Prepare for Each
Today we’re talking about the different types of interviews you might encounter during a job search – and how to prepare for each. You may experience a combination of two or more types of interviews for the same job – even in the same interview.
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